
Now 100% Timberlake Free!!!

Once again, we endeavored to enjoy the MN Rollergirls on a Saturday evening. And this time, we were able to avoid JT and the Sexy. Even better, we were able to bring my buddy from Zoo School. We first visited the Pizza Luce in St. Paul, and then went on to the RollerDerby. Hooray. And this time, the musical guest was Second Hand Ska Kings. I didn't realize it, but this is all that's left of some of the Twin Cities best 3rd Wave ska bands. And really, who doesn't love a ska band. Either way, I leave you with a slide show of the evening, and an invitation to join us for the next event, March 16.


doomtown said...

congratulations! yer married!
so i saw jay bakker's show (its actually not bad) and he reminded me of you in a weird way that only has to do with being inked up and christian, i guess.
good to see you're doing well!


Cox said...

To be fair, we're also both balding wanna-be preachers with delusions of being relevant, married to girls way out of our league, with a borderline man-crush on Johnny Cash, a predilection for thick-frame glasses, and who smoke.

But yeah, overall, not too similar.

-BTW, it's good to hear from you! Don't be a stranger.

PixieLexi said...

How come there aren't any of the pics I took of me & Christine?