
Brokeback to the message at hand...

Now that's funny! This is an actual picture someone took of a cowboy shop in LA. Now if only someone would come up with a cowboy shop sign generator like the Church Sign Generator.


The Colonel said...

so what are you implying about Jesus then?

Cox said...

I think that's the point


Anonymous said...

You can find a tonne more image & sign generators on customsigngenerator.com.

Cox said...

Hey, cheers!

(I'd be really dissapointed if this was a spam comment, but it seems legit) So welcome, first blog commentor that I haven't met in person. Your comment was timely, as I'm sure to use the sign generator for some kind of Tomfoolery or skullduggery

Anonymous said...

It's not spam, I love sign generators too! Gotta share the wealth...