
A tale of two Tshirts...

Well, don't tell Ingrid, but CMS has linked to one of the best shirts I've ever seen. Click the top image for full size, it's worth it.

Unfortunately, doing a 180(not you, Severson) points you smack-dab at this shirt. Horrible on so many levels, not the least of which is subconscious. Click away, and look upon the multiperspectivel gooey-ness.

Noel is to blame for this stinker...


Linda said...

We were at Grace last night to hear Piper preach at the Missions Conference and right in the middle of the worship, I thought of the top t-shirt.

Thanks for the laugh.

Chris Dugan said...

I honestly don't know which t-shirt is scarier:

The top is so painfully accurate as to how most churches view the body of Christ.

The bottom is terrifying not for the "Xtreme homeschooler" factor but the "that looks exactly like the old youth group logo" factor.

Linda said...

I don't think MOST church leaders view the body that way. Just some church leaders.

But if the shirt fits....