
A show of hands...

Just so I can be sure, who requested this guy? Because I know that from talking to many people, nobody asked for Jake Ggyylleennhhaall. No one, not even Kaps. So let't make sure, because that way we can send him back and get a double order of Cameron.


Anonymous said...

I like Jake. Besides, didn't Kirk Cameron go kinda wacky?

Chris Dugan said...

If by wacky you mean he became a devout Christian, got a hot wife, and made like 12 kids then yes he's wacky. If only we were all so wacky.

In other news that new "Left Behind" movie was directed by the same guy who directed the Craig T. Nelson/Sharon Stone vehicle "Action Jackson." That doesn't make me want to see it still but there you go.

Anonymous said...

By wacky I meant the born-again, "Way of the Master" stuff.

I am quite thankful I am not that wacky.